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Assembly Source File
228 lines
;FMARK.ASM - mark a position in memory,
; above which TSRs will later be cleared by RELEASE.COM
; this version leaves a minimal size MARK in memory,
; storing the rest on disk
; requires a single command line parameter naming
; the file where the mark will be stored
; Syntax: FMARK [d:][path]filename
; VERSION 2.0 6/17/86
; start at a version number compatible with other TSR utilities
; VERSION 2.1 7/18/86
; keep consistent with RELEASE
; VERSION 2.2 3/4/87
; add save area for BIOS data areas
; 40:A8 (8 bytes for EGA)
; 40:F0 (16 bytes for interapplications communications)
; written for CHASM (CHeap ASseMbler)
; by Kim Kokkonen, TurboPower Software
; telephone: 408-438-8608, Compuserve 72457,2131
fmark proc near
;parse command line for file name
mov si,81H ;point to command line
mov di,offset(filnm) ;point to filename storage string
get1 lodsb ;get first non-blank
cmpb al,32 ;skip space
je get1
cmpb al,9 ;skip tab
je get1
cmpb al,13 ;check for end of input
jne get2 ;got a non-blank, now get the parameter
jmp error ;no parameter --> error
get2 cmp al,'a'
jl sto1
cmp al,'z'
jg sto1
and al,0DFH ;uppercase
sto1 stosb ;store the non-blank character
lodsb ;get next character
cmpb al,32 ;terminate with blank, tab, or <cr>
je gotit
cmpb al,9
je gotit
cmpb al,13
je gotit
jmps get2
;create the specified file
gotit mov al,0
stosb ;terminate ASCIIZ pathname
mov dx,offset(filnm)
xor cx,cx ;normal attribute
mov ah,3CH
int 21H ;DOS CREAT
jae store
mov dx,offset(badfil) ;bad file name
mov ah,9
int 21H
jmp error
;store the interrupt vector table
store mov bx,ax ;keep file handle in bx
push ds ;save ds
mov cx,400H ;1024 bytes to store
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ;segment 0
mov dx,ax ;offset 0
mov ah,40H
int 21H ;write block to file
pop ds ;get ds back
jae egasav ;ok, continue
mov dx,offset(nowrit) ;write error
mov ah,9
int 21H
jmp error
;store the EGA save pointer
egasav push ds ;save ds
mov cx,0008H ;8 bytes to store
mov ax,0040H
mov ds,ax ;BIOS data segment
mov dx,00A8H ;EGA save table pointer
mov ah,40H
int 21H ;write block to file
pop ds ;get ds back
jae intcom ;ok, continue
mov dx,offset(nowrit) ;write error
mov ah,9
int 21H
jmp error
push ds ;save ds
mov cx,0010H ;16 bytes to store
mov ax,0040H
mov ds,ax ;BIOS data segment
mov dx,00F0H ;interapplications communication area
mov ah,40H
int 21H ;write block to file
pop ds ;get ds back
jae ems ;ok, continue
mov dx,offset(nowrit) ;write error
mov ah,9
int 21H
jmp error
;determine whether EMS is present
ems push bx ;temporarily store the real file handle
xor bx,bx ;zero the EMS handle count in case EMS not present
mov dx,offset(emsnm)
mov ax,3D00H
int 21H
jb sthand ;EMS driver not installed
;EMS present, close the open "handle" first
mov bx,ax ;EMS handle into bx
mov ah,3EH
int 21H ;close handle
;get the current EMS page map
mov ah,4DH
mov di,offset(emsmap) ;es=cs already
xor bx,bx ;required by some versions of EMM (bug workaround)
cld ;required by some versions of EMM
int 67H
or ah,ah
jz sthand ;result ok
xor bx,bx ;error, return zero EMS handles
;store the number of active handles
sthand mov emscnt,bx ;count of active handles
;write the handle table to disk
shl bx
shl bx ;4 bytes per handle
inc bx
inc bx ;2 more bytes for the handle count
mov cx,bx ;number of bytes to write
pop bx ;get file handle back
mov dx,offset(emscnt) ;what we're writing
mov ah,40H
int 21H ;write out the table
jae closfl ;ok,continue
mov dx,offset(nowrit) ;error while writing
mov ah,9
int 21H
jmps error
;close up the table file
closfl mov ah,3EH
int 21H ;close handle
jae idstr ;ok, continue
mov dx,offset(badcls) ;error while closing file
mov ah,9
int 21H
jmps error
;put a standard ID string into the PSP for RELEASE to check
idstr mov si,offset(id)
mov di,60H ;unused area of the PSP
mov cx,9 ;characters in ID string
movsb ;copy string
;deallocate environment block of this mark
deall mov ax,[002CH] ;environment segment
mov es,ax ; into es
mov ah,49H
int 21H ;deallocate, no reason for an error to occur
;print message and TSR
gores mov dx,offset(didit)
mov ah,9
int 21H ;write success message including filename
mov dx,offset(crlf) ;newline
mov ah,9
int 21H
xor dx,dx ;get number of paragraphs to keep
mov dl,[80H] ;length of command line
add dx,80H ;rest of PSP
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl ;convert to paragraphs
inc dx ;round up
mov ax,3100H
int 21H ;terminate and stay resident
;error output - show syntax line
error mov dx,offset(syntax)
mov ah,9
int 21H
;exit with error
errex mov ax,4C01H
int 21H
emsnm db 'EMMXXXX0',0 ;file name for testing EMS presence
id db 'FMARK TSR' ;id string for RELEASE check
badfil db 13,10,'Could not open file for writing',36
nowrit db 13,10,'Error while writing',36
badcls db 13,10,'Error closing table file',36
syntax db 13,10,'Syntax: FMARK [d:][path]filename'
crlf db 13,10,36
didit db 13,10,'FMARK 2.2 - Marked current memory position in '
;data storage area
filnm ds 50H,36 ;file name where tables are written
emscnt db 0,0 ;holds number of active pages in map that follows
emsmap db 0,0 ;holds EMS page map if installed
;(note may extend 1K bytes past end of file in memory)